About Us

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We specialize in a wide variety of cosmetic repairs for autos and boats. Our training and versatility has even led us to service home furniture, restaurant seats, and RV’s!  In addition to our cosmetic repair services, we utilize our great location for Consignment Auto Sales, Our dealership knowledge for Free Lease Inspections, and our secured property for Outdoor Storage for Semi’s, RV’s, Boats, Trailers, and more.


Alien Car Care Core Values, Integrity, Marketplace Ministry, Professionalism, unity, communication, growth, gratitude


Phil (owner of Alien Car Care) bought a franchise, MARS, and began intense training on a variety of cosmetic repairs at the MARS headquarters in Texas.  “MARS” was an acronym for Mobile Appearance Reconditioning Services. Phil began his one person owner/operator franchisee, “Gestwicki’s MARS”, and began servicing used car lots throughout Kalamazoo in his mobile trailer.

Phil's first Mobile Appearance Reconditioning Service trailer


(Founder of Alien Car Care)

Born and raised on the East coast in the state of Delaware, I had plans of moving one day to some far off, beautiful place like Wyoming or Utah. I’m passionate about the outdoors and am an avid fisherman. In an ironic turn of events, I settled for Michigan because of family ties and the spontaneous meeting of a special girl who lived there as well (who later became my wife 🙂 ).

Moving to Michigan in 2003, I knew I had better start that painstaking quest of finding a true career. I had a degree in environmental science with a couple years experience and also had worked in the cell phone industry for a number of years. While looking for different options I found I enjoyed the combination of artwork and “hands on” field work that an automotive reconditioning career offered. I basically turned my hobby into my profession.

Now, years later, I love the independence and rewarding work Alien Car Care provides. Hopefully, I can add more team members and become a household name in the SW Michigan area! Even in this very difficult and economically torn region, I have been very blessed and able to stay busy.

When not working, my wife and I enjoy all that God’s beautiful outdoors has to offer: camping, fishing, hiking, kayaking, and skiing. I also am an active member of Radiant Church and serve with the youth there. I look forward to getting to know more customers every day!

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