Interior Repair

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Don’t replace. Let us repair it!

Everyone enjoys the “new car” feel. The appearance and smell of a car’s interior is as important, if not more important, than the exterior. That is why we use a line of services developed to repair the most common types of damage to a vehicle’s interior. We can repair rips, tears, burn holes, stains, and more in a variety of surfaces including leather, vinyl, carpet, and hard plastic. If you’ve ever gotten an estimate to replace an entire seat or console, you KNOW how pricey that can be!

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Vinyl & Leather Repair
Leather seat repair before
Cloth & Carpet Repair
Large seem tear on side of black cloth car seat revealing foam
Boat Vinyl Repair
large cut in boat vinyl
Comprehensive Dyeing
Leather King Ranch before Comprehensive Dyeing scratched
Odor & Stain Removal
gray cloth car seats stained
Hard Plastic Repair
gray plastic bumper repaired
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In need of an interior repair?
